Works in Progress (by title)
Title - Author - Chapter as of my putting together this post - Date of most recent update (DD.MM.YY)
Alternative Recreations - Multiple Authors - 1 - 08.10.05
And So It Ends - Anime Monster - 3 - 08.09.05
Angel in Charcoal - coeur_de_ma_vie - 5 - 15.02.06
The Antidote Series (formerly listed here as Petri Dish) - jin_fenghuang - 2 - 06.09.05
The Assassin - becca589 (Lady-Treason on - 16 - 24.02.06
Baphomet II: The Quest - ptyx - 13 - 18.02.06
The Best Laid Plans - Ayla Pascal (curia_regis) - 4 - 16.08.05
A Bit of Kink or A Fetish Henceforth Unbeknownst to Severus Snape - SnapesRaven - 1 - 13.09.05
Blinded by the Dark - Astrido - 12 Part 2 - 28.12.05
The Bond of Hatred - Donavon (aka Threesisters) - 27 - 28.01.06
Book Seven - nenyaentwhistle - 6 - 03.01.06
Born and Raised in Hate - fuzzy_bumpkins - 2 - 07.01.06
Burdens of the Heart - innocentimp17 - 6 - 11.12.05
Carmel - stevielichous - 3 - 24.02.06
The Cinderman's Kiss - coeur_de_ma_vie - 6 - 25.11.05
Cold - twiggeh_san - 1 - 06.10.05
Critical Choices - lilyeyes (formerly terri911) - 24 - 20.02.06
Darkness Shadows Light 2 - Maddy - 13 - 12.11.05
Days Like These - original_tinks - 4 - 08.01.06
The Death of a Soul - roedhunt - 27 - 03.02.06
Death Eater Takes a Holiday - Lee Lee Potter leelee_potter - 73 - 17.02.06
Declaratio - myashke - 7 - 30.01.06
The Domino Effect - Dr Jeckell & Mrs Hyde (taran_swann & magdelena1969) - 15 - 23.09.05
Don't Sing Me A Love Song - 999angel - 11 - 14.09.05
Dual Worlds - betsanne - 12 - 02.01.06
Duty Bound - humantales - 6 - 24.02.06
Everything Extraordinary - littlecup - 15 - 26.10.05
Everything's Not Lost - eriador117 - 51 - 25.02.06
Feet of the Snake - changclaire5 - 2 - 27.08.05
Floating on Still Water - isabellemps - 1 - 19.02.06
The Forever Dreams - coeur_de_ma_vie - 16 - 29.08.05
Gods and Monsters - jin_fenghuang - 1 - 08.11.05
Gone Away - arielhime - 1 - 19.12.05
A Halloween Ritual - dbz_vegeta - 3 - 30.11.05
Happiness Refound? - Mistress Vamp - 5 - 27.10.05
Harry Potter and the Obligatory Sequel - starry_gazer - 22 - 22.02.06
Hello, Half-Blood Prince - ac1d6urn and sinick - 3 - 04.02.06
How Severus Spends His Summer Hols - sevs_lil_secret - 96 - 04.02.06
Imprint - jadzia7667 - 3 - 13.09.05
In Death, There is Redemption - jadzia7667 - 9 - 20.09.05
The Iridescent Conclusion - Dzien - 25 - 05.02.06
The Last Command - mimiheart - 11 - 04.02.06
Let Our Magic Be One - Psychotic Otaku - 4 - 06.09.05
Liberation - evilremmy - 8 - 20.11.05
Light on the Dark Side of Me - CocoaSnape - 11 - 21 - 25.02.06
Lost Raven - tarlwen - 4 - 25.01.06
The Love God - ausmac - 7 - 04.02.06
Make him pay... someone has to - musama - 3 - 24.10.05
Making Love - The Snarry Story - kintosorrow - 1 - 16.10.05
The Marked Man - rakina - 23 - 25.02.06
MARROW - ekawa - 4 - 31.12.05
Memories Returned - lilyeyes (formerly terri911) - 23 - 29.01.06
Mine - tas - 14 - 14.12.05
The Midday Sun - rakina - 14.8 - 24.02.06
The Mirror of Maybe - Midnight Blue - 19 - 01.01.06
The New Heir - alliekatgal - 5 - 02.01.06
Nightmare of Reality - beathen and unbroken_halo - 2 - 06.02.06
No Heaven - _majenta - 6 - 25.01.06
Not Enough Whiskey In The World - jadzia7667 - 1 - 18.10.05
The Pet - fluffnutter - 5 - 28.08.05
Phoenix Descending: Hounds of War - briarwolf - 7 - 09.01.06
Playing with Existence - daughter_moon - 27 - 22.02.06
Points - sheena_bandy - 2 - 25.10.05
Price of Magic - ac1d6urn - 9 - 03.01.06
A Question of Etiquette - swtalmnd - 15 - 07.02.06
Relative Power - Red Claw - 4 - 01.02.06
The Revolution - Donavon (aka Threesisters) - 34 - 28.01.06
The River - alchemia & bugland - 26 - 23.02.06
The Rules of the Game - skydreamer 22 - 9 - 11.09.05
Saishü Yume - Goddess_Cerridwen (cerridwen666) - 17 - 25.02.06
The San Francisco Effect - tayefeth - 15 - 10.12.05
School's Out - cousin_giry - 21 - 14.02.06
Second Chances - magdelena1969 - 5 - 13.01.06
Second Sight - unbroken_halo - 1 - 22.01.06
The Seduction of Severus Septimus Snape - lyfe_macabre - 1 - 2 - 15.02.06
Severus Snape and the Gang of Four - xanthophyllippa - 2 - 11.11.05
Shattered Reflections - RoxieSnape and becca589 (Lady-Treason on - 23 - 18.02.06
The Shiver Series - knightmare_shad - 14 - 22.01.06
A Simple Game - aracale - 1 - 30.12.05
The Skills Series - jadzia7667 - 4 - 05.11.05
Something to Fight For - nuavarion - 21 - 26.01.06
Somewhere I Belong - calanor - 1 - 17.01.06
The Soul to Live - sev0109 - 2 - 27.09.05
Strange Attraction - atrata - 3 - 03.12.05
Stealing Hope - spikesgirl36 - 17 - 16.02.06
Talk of Love - jadzia7667 - 3 - 24.09.05
There was something in the dungeons - jan_aq - 1 - 01.11.05
A Thirst for Blood - Kat Potter - 4 - 27.08.05
To Have Not - montana_dan - 9 - 22.02.06
Transposition - lockythebunny - 8 - 13.12.05
Triptych - rushlight75 - 1 - 06.10.05
Universal Darkness - kaizergurl - 2 - 03.11.05
Waking the Prince - darth_stitch - 2 - 07.02.06
Walking a Fine Line - igtow - 1 - 19.02.06
War - Pinkytica - 1 - 05.09.05
The War for the Orphans - nerd-girl - 17 - 11.08.05
What Might Be Done - loupgarou1750 - 13 - 03.12.05
When Living Ain't Easy - rowaine - 29 - 17.02.06
Whisper of a Dance Forgotten - warwithheaven - 2 - 04.11.05
A Year Like None Other - Aspen in the Sunlight aspenlight - 92 - 16.02.06
You Can Ride My Broomstick Any Day, Harry - just_juxtaposed - 8 - 29.10.05
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